成语“水到渠成”可以翻译成英语为”when water flows, a channel is formed” or “when the conditions are right, success will naturally follow.”
这个成语想表达的意思是:当时机成熟时,事情会自然而然发展或步入正轨的。 这个成语强调了各种事情都有个时机、和各种因素的协调. 当时机成熟时,很多事情会自然而然达到你想要的目标的。
The Chinese idiom “水到渠成” can be translated into English as “when water flows, a channel is formed” or “when the conditions are right, success will naturally follow.”
This idiom expresses the idea that when everything is in place and the circumstances are favorable, things will naturally progress or fall into their proper order. The idiom highlights the importance of timing, alignment of factors, and the natural progression towards a desired outcome.
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