成语“画地为牢”(huà dì wéi láo) 可以翻译成英文为“by building walls around yourself, you become a prisoner of your own making”。
这个成语表达的意思是,当人们设置严格的界限或孤立自己时,他们会不经意地限制自己的自由并限制自己的经历。 它比喻过度的自我限制会导致孤立和禁闭,就像自己为自己建造一座监狱一样。
The Chinese idiom “画地为牢” (huà dì wéi láo) can be translated into English as”by building walls around yourself, you become a prisoner of your own making.”
This idiom conveys the idea that when someone sets strict boundaries or isolates themselves, they inadvertently restrict their own freedom and limit their experiences. It suggests that excessive self-imposed restrictions can lead to isolation and confinement, figuratively likening it to constructing a prison for oneself.
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