成语“不耻下问”可以翻译成英语 “not ashamed to ask for advice”
这个成语表达的是谦虚和愿意向他人学习的美德,即使这意味着被人嘲笑也要向拥有更多知识的人取经或寻求帮助。 即在追求知识和进步的过程中愿意抛开骄傲或自我。
The Chinese idiom “不耻下问” can be translated into English as “not ashamed to ask for advice”
This idiom expresses the virtues of humility and a willingness to learn from others, even if it means being ridiculed, in order to seek advice or assistance from those with more knowledge. It signifies a readiness to set aside pride or ego in the pursuit of knowledge and improvement.
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